Sunday, March 20, 2011


After fifty years of ups and downs and learning and living, it only makes sense to start writing about those experiences.  Life, especially parenting. doesn't come with an official handbook. You get a license to drive, own a business and even practice a profession, but zip to have children.

Googling, reading, shrinks and experiences are all great ways to compile your own handbook to TACKLE your life. My handbook looks like a bulky Bible. I had been married too young, had 4 children and lost a baby, opened a few businesses, survived a divorce and am now remarried to a saint.

He has 3 daughters and I have 3 daughters. My son, married with a son of his own, is in the Air Force and has been to war and back many times. He prefers war to living with 6 sisters. Pray for my brave husband who is assisting me in tackling life in the raising of 6 productive women who will not be a burden to society.

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