Sunday, August 5, 2012

Girls getaway guide

Ladies: When you hit your mid-life years, visions of a girls getaway may appear. If you have older children, they may now leave you in the dust on weekends. The carpooling is over, the hours of watching games are over,and kid's social lives become their own.

Time to think about yourself -- for a change.

Thanks to social media such as Facebook, old and new friends are just a click away to plan a getaway -- even if it is just for a weekend.

Here's a girls getaway guide:

1. Share a house with a nearby beach, mountain, great view, or entertainment. Odds are you will never venture out of the building, however, the location will lure your friends away from their own home.

My recent girls getaway was with high school buddies. My friend hosted it at her beach house. Visions of reading on the surf and kayaking changed to sipping cocktails and munching goodies on fluffy sofas for hours. Go with the flow and catch up with each other.

2. Make it a potluck. Favorite dishes, snacks, drinks, and paper products need to be assigned for the trip.
Chopping and cooking together sparks conversation.

3. Toast to the good times. Keep the margaritas flowing if you're not driving anywhere.

4. Bring photos and treasures. We poured over old photo albums and yearbooks reminiscing and giggling about our days of wonder.

5. Explore your destination.
We were a stone throw away from the bay. Thank goodness we strolled to the bank of the surf to soak in the sunshine and view.

6. Snap updated photos to share at the group's getaway. Before you go home to your family, discuss your next getaway plan. Make it a tradition.

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