Monday, September 2, 2013

Memories of summer

Taking baby Jax on a golf cart ride in Delaware was a highlight of my summer.  He is such a sweetie pie and gets a kick out of his Pop Pop's funny faces.  Good bye summer!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Last Summer Fling

Burgers, golf cart rides, scenic waterways, and hugs wrapped up the summer of 2013 for our family.  Delaware, one of the family summer retreats, was the natural choice to hang out and enjoy the last days of summer.

Only one of six daughters could join us -- the Biology major.  Nice to spoil her -- much needed pedicure was snuck into the schedule. When you have a big family, it's nice to spend time with one at a time. I heard dreams, school issues, and a request to attend morning Mass.

The stray Shore Kitty made his farewell visit for one final treat before a winter of being an outdoor mouser.  Corn stalks are browning, some trees are sporting color, and days are getting shorter. Before we know it, crisp fall breezes will be whisking through the air.